Sometimes, it can be useful to have fast access to a large number of command prompts - I use mine to keep constant pings going on my secondary monitor to different switches and routers across the WLAN in order to quickly pick up on any patterns or disruptions. In the past I've always opened command prompts one by one and adjusted their sizing and positioning by hand, but I recently decided it was time to find a better way - and I succeeded.
Right click and create a new shortcut to c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe, and name the shortcut r1c1. Determine the text size, windows size, color options, and total number of prompts you want to create, and adjust the properties for r1c1.lnk accordingly. Now, copy your r1c1 shortcut as many times as you want command prompts, and name them according to a grid layout with r1c1 being row 1, column 1. Once you've renamed them all appropriately, determine the X and Y coordinates of where you want each prompt to appear, and enter those under the layout tab. Now, you can create a simple batch file with the command " start "" path\filename.lnk" repeated until you've hit all of your new shortcuts to cause them to open at once. A second batch file with the command "taskkill cmd.exe" or "taskkill ping.exe" can then be used to close the windows en masse.
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